Category: Home
Stitches of Identity: The Lifelong Connection Between Clothing and Our Origins
When a baby enters the world, they are immediately thrust into an unfamiliar environment, one that starkly contrasts with the safety and warmth of the [...]
The Noise in Your Closet
Your closet is a personal space that reflects who you are. The clothes hanging there tell a story - your story. It whispers details about your style, [...]
Creating Landscape Design Perfect for Your Space
If you’re thinking of landscaping your home, here are a few tips to consider. The first thing you should do is build a base map of your property showi [...]
10 Financial Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not only about physical well-being but - believe it or not - financial wellness as well. As we head toward 2024, I [...]
Ask Dana! 8 Financial Planning Tips for Year-End
These strategies may potentially help you save on taxes and stay on track for your financial life goals:
2023 income tax review.
Now is the time to [...]
Good Nutrition Is Key for Caregivers Avoiding Chronic Health Issues
As the primary caregiver for my daughter with cerebral palsy (now twenty-six years old) and a lengthy list of medical issues, and with my husband rece [...]
Ask Dana! Energy, Healing, and Financial Wellness
Energy, healing, and finance are three distinct topics, but they can be related in various ways. For example, individuals who are experiencing financi [...]
Creating a Healthy Haven in Your Bedroom
We spend a lot of time in our bedrooms - almost one-third of our lives, in fact - so it’s important to make sure our bedrooms are conducive to a good [...]
Ask Dana! A Column Where Personal Finance and Life Intersect: 7 Steps to Spring Cleaning Your Finances
Spring is a great time to do some deep cleaning—not just in your house but also in your finances. Here are seven steps you can take to spring clean yo [...]
Are You Ready to Detox Your Home?
We support our health in many ways—such as eating healthy, exercising, and self-care—but often, we forget our environment’s role in the well-being of [...]
Put a Spring in Your Step with Internal Cleansing
Do the cold weather and excess comfort foods get you down...literally? Do you feel overweight, sluggish, less interested in life? While it is ideal to [...]
How Herbs Can Help Detox Your Home for a Healthier Environment
Cleansing your home of toxins can be beneficial for your health and well-being. Removing hazardous materials and chemicals from your residence can red [...]
Reduce the Odds of Chemical Exposure in Your Home
If you’ve ever chosen an organic food or product over the conventional option, you likely already grasp the concept of reducing your odds of exposure. [...]
Cleansing Isn’t Just for Your Mind and Body – Here’s How to Detox Your Home
With spring upon us, it’s fitting to talk about what the season symbolizes. For many of us, it signifies a new beginning, a fresh start, a time to det [...]
Ask Dana! A Column Where Personal Finance and Life Intersect
New rules for your retirement wellness! A new law was passed on December 29, 2022, called the Secure Act 2.0. The Secure (Setting Every Community Up f [...]
Top Tips for a More Organized Home
You may often not even realize how much clutter affects your day-to-day life, the way you interact and engage with others, or how focused you really a [...]
Clear Your Space, Clear Your Mind
When you think about your unorganized home, how does it make you feel? Stressed, anxious, and maybe embarrassed? Oftentimes you may not even realize t [...]
How Can Financial Life Planning Change My Life?
Financial Life Planning connects the dots between our financial realities and the lives we long to live. Life Planning focuses on the human side of fi [...]
Ask Dana! A Column Where Personal Finance and Life Intersect
Upcoming year-end deadlines approaching! Consider if these important tax and financial planning tips can make a difference in your financial life:
Why Your Future Health and Wellness Matter Now
What if I told you I can see you in the future: needing healthcare but being unable to make the decisions necessary to attain it? I have many friends [...]
Ask Dana! Losing Sleep Over Your Investments or Personal Finances?
Recently, someone I’m close to confided that they were having trouble sleeping. The reason was clear to them—it was due to the recent stock market vol [...]
Ask Dana! How to Plan for the Retirement You Deserve
If you’re already thinking about retirement (it’s never too soon!), you’re probably thinking about it in terms of the “end of” something. The satisfyi [...]
Transform Your Financial Fitness Regimen
When did you last take a leap and try something new and it paid off for you? Have you done it recently with your finances?
Late last year, I confided [...]
Push Through Your Financial Health Plateau
Has someone ever inspired you to do something different? Recently an Integrative Medicine physician told me, “I give you permission to throw out that [...]