Category: Home
Financial Health Check: 4 Things You Should Know About Medicare
Are you or is someone you love enrolled in Medicare? There are some important changes underway with Medicare cards that you should be aware of this su [...]
The 3-Ton Workout: Adding Tone and Definition in Your Landscape
Forget lifting weights this summer; grab your shovel instead. My younger self used to scoff at adults when they said they gardened for exercise. “Ha,” [...]
Natural Pest Deterrents for Your Garden
Behind the scenes even zen-like, productive gardens can feel like a battle zone. Slugs are invading from the south! Deer are munching on the north per [...]
6 Steps for Building Wealth
What is the greatest gift you can give the woman you love this Mother's Day? Give her information she can use to set herself up for financial success [...]
Do It Yourself Companion Planting
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Spring Forward Your Savings and Spending Strategies
Spring is in the air! Temperatures are rising and forecasts for rain are replacing predictions for snow. When you think about your spending and savi [...]
Detox Your Landscape
Everyone seems to have a detox plan. The best ones I’ve seen come with a balance of avoiding the “bad” and increasing the “good”. For example: reduci [...]
Mindful Money Management: 3 Strategies for Financial Success
How do you feel when you think about your financial situation? If you experience anxiety, uncertainty, or other unpleasant symptoms, you are not alon [...]
New Year – Fresh Look at your Finances
Want to take control of your finances, but not sure where to start? Do you wonder whether you will outlive your money? Curious whether you can sustain [...]
Five Keys to Creating Harmony Between Your Personal Life and Your Financial Life
Financial concerns consistently rank among the most stressful elements of a person’s life and the effects of that stress can be intensely disruptive t [...]
Financial Survival of a Divorce – Part III The 9 Most Costly Mistakes to Avoid
In this final article of a three-part series, I address the last three (#7-9) most common financial mistakes made during the divorce process. Increase [...]
Financial Survival of a Divorce – Part II. The 9 Most Costly Mistakes to Avoid
This article is a continuation from Part 1 featured in our January magazine. If you are going through or preparing to go through a separation, I don’t [...]
Financial Survival of a Divorce: The 9 Most Costly Mistakes to Avoid
Each year there are nearly 1 million divorces in the United States, or about 50% of all marriages. The real tragedy, however, is the financial hardshi [...]
Are You Prepared for a Disaster?
There are so many things in life we prepare for, such as graduations, weddings and the birth of a child. Yet there are other things in life we take n [...]
Digital Photo Overload … What’s a Person To Do?
Who remembers the days of using rolls of film that we placed inside our cameras, shot 24 or 36 pictures, removed the film, had it developed (probably [...]
Do you Feel Like a Train Wreck?
When was the last time you went out with your friends or your partner to do something fun? Did the experience cause you any pain? Were you feeling the [...]
The Decision of Euthansia
We choose to bring pets into our lives knowing that at some point we will probably have difficult end-of-life decisions to make. Regardless of what he [...]
Whole-House Fans, Soul Coaching & Supplements
EcoTips - By Deb Percival
Summer is coming! Whether or not you have central air, now is the time to look into whole-house fans. In Connecticut, who [...]
Pet Behavior During Seasonal Changes
How does the change of seasons affect your pet? A change in barometric pressure can be quite stressful in dogs and cats. Thunderstorms can cause anxie [...]
Feng Shui – Creating Balance and Harmony In Your Environment – by Karen Elizabeth Rowan
Feng Shui - Creating Balance and Harmony In Your Environment
For centuries, the principles of Feng Shui have been practiced in the East. It is beli [...]