Category: Uncategorized
Herbal Sore Throat Remedies
Gargles are an age-old method of bringing soothing substances to sore throats. While gargling might be a bit uncomfortable for an adult, it can be qui [...]
Putting Out the Fires: Natural Support for Autoimmunity
Autoimmunity, the inappropriate targeting and attacking of healthy body cells by the immune system, is an abnormal process which may b [...]
Hidden Sources of Sleeplessness
Far too often a discussion with the doctor about poor sleep leads to a prescription for anti-anxiety medication or medication for insomnia, without lo [...]
Compounding Pharmacies Bring Advantages to Consumers
Many compounding pharmacies have been providing services for 15 years or more, but it wasn’t until the advent of Bio-Identical Hormone Treatment (BHRT [...]
The Truth About Hydration & Today’s Youth
I remember being at a t-ball game years ago with my daughter. While it was hard to imagine that someday she might actually hit the ball midair versus [...]
Where Do You Want To Go and How Does A Wound Heal?
The title of this article may not seem to make sense but believe me the topics do relate to each other. I heard the first question fro [...]
Feeling Trapped by Anxiety and Stress? Tap Your Worries Away Quickly with Thought Field Therapy
Thought Field Therapy™ (TFT™) is a revolutionary and dramatic body-mind therapy. TFT™, a rapid, simple and natural treatment, works with the body’s [...]
Tired of Cellulite? Experience a Safe, Natural Way to Eliminate It!
You’re probably thinking…”seriously…this sounds way too good to be true.” And over the years, you’ve probably seen and tried many “miracle” cures for [...]
Raising Children Naturally
In today’s world it is vital to make natural choices whenever possible. Making the natural choice is important for two reasons: 1. to keep you and you [...]
Fish Oil: A No-Brainer for Your Child
By now the many benefits of fish oil and the essential fatty acids (EFAs) in it are common knowledge; in particular, the importance of specific EFAs, [...]
PANDAS: Transforming a Devastating Chronic Illness Into a Treatable Disorder
Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders associated with Streptococcal Infections, or PANDAS, is a common and devastating autoimmune disorder i [...]
Psoriasis: The Problem Is Not Just Skin Deep
A few of us may remember when advertisements for the medicated shampoo Tegrin promoted the product as an opportunity for relief from “the Heartbreak o [...]
What’s Your Skin Saying?
Our skin is one of our largest organs, offering us immune support, detoxification, vitamin synthesis and a wonderful way to assess the body’s health. [...]
The Banana Trick
When there is a splinter, sliver of glass, remaining tick part (those darn ticks can be tricky to completely remove), or any other unwanted foreign ob [...]
Milk Builds Weak Bones: Why Cutting Out Dairy is an Important Step Toward Osteoporosis Prevention
We love dairy. It’s creamy and delicious! Plus, it’s essential to building strong bones, right? After all, our own government recommends that we consu [...]
Beware the Snackcident!
By now, it is impossible to get behind the wheel of a car and not be aware of the dangers of cell phone use. And it’s not just texting, it’s eating, p [...]
Hypnomassage: The Ultimate Therapy for Reducing Stress
It's no secret that being a relaxed twenty first century citizen is no easy task. Even before the new millennium had arrived, we were being primed fo [...]
A Taste of Farm-to-Table Dining in Connecticut
Some of my favorite things about summer are the fresh fruits and vegetables right off the farm. Heirloom tomatoes, an array of lettuces, hand-picked s [...]
Body And Soul
Not too many years ago there were a series of conferences entitled, Body & Soul. I always felt people were more likely to bare their souls than th [...]
An Eco-Luxury Waterfront Staycation: The Saybrook Point Inn & Spa
Think you have to travel far to find an eco-friendly, luxury inn? Think again, because there’s an exquisite option right here on the Connecticut River [...]
Words That Heal: Communicating With Kids
A teen boy was agitated with staff on a pediatric psychiatric unit – cursing, threatening, pacing – so he was sent to a small room to calm down on his [...]
A Zip Line Adventure Right in Your Backyard
Empowerment….what does it mean to you? The standard definition is to invest with power or to supply with an ability. Or it could be defined as develop [...]
Augmenting the Immune System in Response to Children Vaccinations
History of Vaccines
The vaccine controversy has been a source of heated debate amongst the natural and traditional medical and parenting communitie [...]
Harp: “The Ultimate Musical Massage”
Many people may be unaware of a unique and deeply therapeutic musical intervention, Therapeutic Harp Music. Imagine yourself lying on a massage table, [...]