Below, checkout the NBC-30 interview on Adrenal Fatigue chapter from “Essential Remedies for Women’s Health” book with Dr. Frank Aieta
“Working in collaboration with Diane and her staff was a great experience! They helped me focus and hit deadlines which I desperately needed. It has been a great asset to my credibility and my practice. I have even had people come to my office JUST to buy the book and get it signed!”
Dr. Kenneth Hoffman, D.Ac. (RI), L.Ac. (CT) CCH
“Working with Diane and Natural Nutmeg on this book collaboration has been a great first experience for me. It was a smooth process with clear guidelines, deadlines and expectations…no surprises. This was an exciting opportunity for me to get across important information so people can make educated choices and better their lives. I would absolutely do it again.”
Melissa Martin Wallace, owner of Anew You Skincare and Wellness
“Thank you so much for the recent book collaboration. It is so exciting to see my name as a published author of a book. We have had a lot of interested customers in our clinic. The process associated with the book collaboration was very organized and I felt very supported in writing the chapter. I enjoyed communicating with other authors regarding their chapters and enjoyed being a part of the project. The end result is wonderful! We have had great feedback from our clients!”
Ayelet Connell-Giammatteo, PhD, PT, IMT,C, President, Integrative Wellness and Physical Therapy
Dr. Frank Aieta, ND
Topic: Adrenal Fatigue
Click Below To Listen To Dr. Aieta’s Interview
Audio PlayerDr. Ann Aresco: ProNatural Physicians Group, LLC
Topic: Thyroid Dysfunction
Click Below To Listen To Dr. Aresco’s Interview
Audio PlayerDr. Kenneth Hoffman, D.Ac. (RI), L.Ac. (CT) CCH
Topic: Introduction to ICM and Breast Health
Click Below To Listen To Dr. Hoffman’s Interview
Audio PlayerDr. Eileen C. Comia, MD
Topic: Gut’s Kingdom
Click Below To Listen To Dr. Comia’s Interview
Audio PlayerJ. Erika Dworkin, Certified Lifestyle Educator, Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist (NANP) (pend.)
Topic: Systemic Candidiasis
Click Below To Listen To Part 1 of Erika Dworkin’s Interview
Audio PlayerClick Below To Listen To Part 2 of Erika Dworkin’s Interview
Audio PlayerDr. Penelope McDonnell, ND
Topic: Urogenital Disorders
Click Below To Listen To Dr. McDonnell’s Interview
Audio PlayerDr. Vicki Kobliner, MS, RDN
Topic: Optimizing Preconception and Prenatal Care
Click Below To Listen To Dr. Kobliner’s Interview
Audio PlayerDr. Ayelet Connell-Giammatteo, PhD, PT, IMT, C
Topic: A Healthy Pregnancy
Click Below To Listen To Dr. Connell-Giammatteo’s Interview
Audio PlayerMichele Welcome, CPT
Topic: Nutrition and Training
Click Below To Listen To Michele Welcome’s Interview
Audio PlayerDiane Bahr-Groth, CH, TFT Adv
Topic: Relief from Stress, Fear, Anxiety, and Trauma
Click Below To Listen To Diane Bahr-Groth’s Interview
Audio Player