Category: Uncategorized
Good Carbs..Bad Carbs…It’s Anything But Simple
Good carbs, bad carbs. High glycemic, low glycemic. Simple or complex. High carb, low carb, Paleo, Mediterranean, Atkins. When it comes to carbohy [...]
Thermography: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You
According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 40 and 44. The risk of breast [...]
Burnout: A Blessing in Disguise?
The holiday season is upon us, and for many it’s a celebratory marathon of organization, preparation, execution, and exhaustion; a somewhat crazed ann [...]
Eliminate Your Barriers to Good Health
By: Donald Piccoli, DC
If I ask someone if they think that emotions can affect them physically, the response is always an immediate “ye [...]

1 Organic Large Cauliflower
¼ cup Marinated Artichokes
¼ cup Organic Carrots
¼ cup Green Beans
¼ cup Onions
¼ cup Scall [...]
Herbal Detoxification Program
I’m often asked about using herbs for detoxification. Herbs do have a wonderful way of cleansing and nourishing the body.
Why consider cleansing?
Metabolic Syndrome: Putting the Pieces Together
Many people go to the doctor wincing with anticipation of the news that their cholesterol is a little high, their blood pressure is up or they have ga [...]
Nutritional Wellness for Allergies
These are exciting times! More and more people today are taking charge of their own health. Consequently there are many natural health stores and a my [...]
FireSky Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, Arizona: An Oasis of Elements…and Ecofriendly!
It’s the middle of a long New England winter and all you can think about is warmth. Imagine a stunning stone fireplace, a Mediterranean-inspired lagoo [...]
Raw, Cooked, Canned or Dry? What to Feed Our Pets
There is an old adage in zoo and wildlife medicine that if you feed and house your animals appropriately, they will not get sick. While that is not ab [...]
Creating a Group Retreat
You don’t have to be Deepak Chopra or David Wolfe to organize, lead and facilitate a wonderful retreat that helps others on their path. As a holistic [...]
Considering a Detox?
At this time every year I have lots of patients and friends ask me about a spring cleaning or spring detox for their body. The question always makes m [...]
Up All Night, Sick All Day Natural Strategies For Insomnia
“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.” ~Irish Proverb
As you lie awake at night hopelessly wishing to sleep, it i [...]
Where is the Hair on My Head Going? Part 3: Are Allergies Causing Your Hair Loss?
As spring returns, the inevitable sniffling and coughing from allergies begins. When most people think of allergies they think of pollen, but many peo [...]
Spring Allergies
Have you sneezed yet? Is your nose running? Are your eyes itching? Are you wheezing? You are in good company. It’s allergy season already. Pollen alle [...]
Understanding Food as Medicine
“The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our fo [...]
Skin Refresher “101”
Taking care of your skin is so important – and so easy!, Once you start, it quickly becomes a daily routine, just like brushing your teeth. However, s [...]
Do You Need the White Room?
How would you feel if you were sitting in a room with no windows and with just a totally white interior? What would your reaction be a [...]
A Natural Approach to Allergens
Allergies can be caused by so many things that we are in contact with every day, including food, the environment, pets, chemicals, lotions, potions, m [...]
Allergies and Global Inflammation
Have you noticed? Food and environmental allergies have become more and more common. Today’s food packaging alerts us to the inclusion of allergens su [...]
Solar Panels: Harvesting the Energy from our Sun
Virtually unlimited power is available from our nearest star, the Sun. In just one hour, our planet receives more energy from the sun than the entire [...]
Are You a Pathological Detoxifier?
Whoa, hold on there, you say, no need to be insulting – after all, I don’t even know you! More often than not, when I suggest to a patient the possibi [...]
Stop and Say Hello
Do you realize how few people ever say hello or acknowledge you as you walk past each other when out exercising or shopping or whate [...]
Ayurvedic Medicine for Menopause
Menopause – the time in a woman’s life when her ovaries cease production of estrogen and go into retirement – is a normal and natural transition. In g [...]